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Orientation 06. Initium

Friday, January 06, 2006

Yes, orientation. The very reason I couldn't write for the past month. I could go on and on about the above mentioned topic. I guess I shall just pick on a few aspects. On a whole, I would call this orientation a success. the pace was slow at first. But then, it began to pick up as we swung into orientation mood on the 2nd day. the spirit was in full swing by the 3rd day and an emotional ending with the investiture on the 4th night. Thoughout, the whole programme, I admit that my physical limits were streched. But no, I had to maintain the high-energy level in front of the newbies and the PSLs. Came home to sound like a living dead. Nevertheless, M06105 picked up the spirit and that is reward enough. Everyone who knows how hoarse I sound now should be able to guess what I've been doing. I even have problems swallowing my saliva.

All the same, 1o5 proved great. To pick an individual that can illustrate the change in the mg.. Presenting Stuart (not little). First day, he was like "Why are you so enthu?" By the 3rd day, he was "Yeeeah! 105!" and the 4th day "i'm suffering under the attack of the cracker crumbs for the glory of 105". Yup, that's just about how my mg changed; from raising their eyebrows at my enthusiasm on the 1st day to fighting as one on the 3rd and 4th. yup, I'll sure miss them.

Games sessions.. M06105 ought to have learnt a lot from those. It's like a crash course. I've never yelled so much at them. But it was very heartening to see that they really began to support one another. It can no longer be about "Me, me and me". For them, it began to be about "you, me and us as a mg". In addition to that, I hope they've learnt up about being united as a school. I'm so proud of them.

The Code was, from what I can see, a success, even though there were loadsa last minute changes like building sandcastles instead of finding a rice grain, shorter time for race, broken telephone line instead of mass dance (cos the CD player failed us). The Code comm, unfortunately led by me, did a really great job. Greg initiated loadsa stuff. And I must say, the three musketeers, esp Paul and Xuan Hao, sure proved to be more capable than I thought. The yr 3 girls, I have no idea how they did it but on three counts and their stations were ready. Thanks to all PSLs for helping! Couldn't have done it without you guys!

Investiture.. Couldn't be a more joyous ocassion. They're finally NUSHSians officially! I dare say I've obviously grown fatter since the last time I wore my long-sleeved shirt. Even my parents agree so. Thank God the blazer hid all my fats. Nvm, train for bad, begin on the school work regime and well.. we'll see what happens next.

Initium, a success! Back to revision.

Chui Yi {author} posted at: 5:41 PM

